(563) 547-3434
What is a Child Care Solutions fund?
Families in Howard County along with other counties throughout the state and nation are faced with the lack of childcare options. The Howard County Child Care Coalition is working to address this by creating the Howard County Coalition Fund. It has designed as a wage enhancement program to address the challenge of child care staffing without increasing tuition or passing along additional costs to families. This program, funded by local investments from employers, businesses, organizations, and individuals from across the region, supports child care providers in enhancing their pay by giving quarterly bonuses. This model not only improves the sustainability of our childcare centers but also increases the number of children served which is vitally important for our workforce.
In the fall of 2023, Howard County was fortunate to be chosen by the State of Iowa as one of nine communities to be part of a locally-funded childcare wage enhancement pilot project. Individuals and businesses in and adjacent to Howard County were asked for donations to our county’s wage enhancement fund within a short turnaround time. The State then matched these funds and the Howard County Wage Enhancement Fund was launched. The intent behind this fund was to supplement the operational needs of childcare centers to assist with recruiting and retaining quality, consistent staffing in our childcare centers through increased wages without increasing childcare rates for working families. Our community responded generously with contributions totaling $133,075.
These funds have been extremely important to the recruitment and retention of childcare staff within Howard County this past year. Kessel Kids in Cresco, Spring Ahead Learning Center in Lime Springs, and the Elma Early Childhood Center have benefited from the funds. As of the end of October 2024, $223,645 has been distributed to three childcare centers in Howard County. The centers have been able to remove 20 children from their waitlists, add 21 new employees, and retain 59 employees. This fund is working!
Current Goals
The Howard County Child Care Coalition’s goal is to raise $100,000 annually as ongoing support with 100% of these contributions being invested back into our communities’ childcare centers. Childcare is the foundation for working families. Without the sustainability of this fund or other childcare solutions, we will not be able to sustain our childcare organizations without a significant increase in childcare tuition rates, potentially adding to our workforce challenges.
Please consider donating to
this community-based project.
How do I invest in the Child Care Solutions Fund to help keep the
program going?
Recommendation: $150/Employee
Make checks payable to
“Howard County Child Care Solutions”
Cresco Chamber of Commerce
101 2nd Ave SW, Cresco, IA 52136
Alisha Dietzenbach, Phyllis Koester, Amy Swagel, Erin Ludwig, Erin Powers Daley, Jan Cray, Jennalee Pedretti, Kris Einck, Lisa Nelson, Melissa Vobr, Samantha Burke, Sonda Niewoehner, Stacey Quam
Art's Milling Service, Bob's Electric, CIA Insurance, Cresco Bank & Trust, Cresco Can House (Cage Can Money), HAWC Partnerships for Childcare, Hawkeye Sanitation, Hometown Accounting, Immanuel Lutheran Church, Jean Vobr Memorial, Murphy, Coe & Smith, Preferred Appraisal Services, Ruppert's Ace Hardware, State Farm Insurance - Don Dietzenbach Agency, V&V Insurance, Dan & Julie Huiskamp, Brandon & Alanda Meyer, Sandra Reinhart, Michael Stevenson, Austin & Laura Vsetecka, Bear Creek Archeology, Cray Insurance, Edward Jones - Mark Cuvelier, Five Star Cooperative, Kerian Water Store - Culligan, , O'Brien Plumbing, Heating & Cooling LLC, Oak Creek Dental, Schley Cheese Fest, Security State Bank, Tom & Sue Barnes, Ernest & Martha Fencl, Jarry & Ronda Hughes, Linda Wilgenbusch, Barbara Zak
THANK YOU TO OUR 2024 BUSINESSES INVESTORS: A&K Feed and Grain*, Alum-line, Bob's Electric, Camp-Site RV*, CIA Insurance, Cresco Bank & Trust*, Cresco Building Service, Cresco Motor Company*, CUSB Bank*, Dollar Fresh, Featherlite, Geothermal Eco Options, Howard County Abstract & Title*, Hometown Accounting*, Howard County Supervisors, Hvitved & Associates*, JP Acct. / H&R Block*, L&L Apartments*, MiEnergy/Dairyland Power, Murphy Coe & Smith*, Neubauer Farms*, Oak Creek Dental, Plantpeddler*, Preferred Appraisal Services*, Precision Overhead Doors, Reicks Landscaping/Reicks Monument & Stone*, Reicks View - Melissa Lea Reicks Foundation, RHSHC*, Salon Synergy, Security State Bank*, State Farm Insurance - Don Dietzenbach Agency*, Upper Iowa Beef, WinnMed - Cresco Rehab Clinic*
(*= donations of at least $150/employee or $5,000 or more)
THANK YOU TO OUR 2024 INDIVIDUAL/ORGANIZATION INVESTORS: Bouska Trust*, Cresco Kiwanis Club, HAWC Partnerships for Childcare*, Howard County Community Foundation, Lime Springs Community Club, Lime Springs Junior Club, Lime Springs Betterment Foundation, Thomson Charitable Fund*, Schwade Family Charitable Fund, VFW Post 4561 Auxiliary, Wa-Tan-Ye, Mary Ellen Turnmire, Daniel Dana, Brandon & Jessica Reis, Gerald Keune, Tom & Sue Barnes, Lisa Dursky, Ryan & Holly Manske, Jarry & Ronda Hughes, Michelle Barness, John & Jo Ann O’Byrne, Richard & Sandra Hagen, Kevin & Emily Sandry, Dan & Julie Huiskamp
(*= donations of $5,000 or more)